Sunday, September 02, 2007


Luke and Mackenzie were playing house.
Mackenzie gave Luke the option of being the mom, dad or baby.
Luke choose dad and ordered her to be baby.
She demanded to be kid not baby.
She made the "bed" and got in it.
Luke said: "Jesus loves me, Bible tells me sooooo"
In the sing-songy voice of two year old.
He has been liking Sunday School more and more.
Maybe now he is ready for Mother's Day Out.
It starts on Tuesday and I am teaching>
NOT his class. He will have more fun without me!
I am nervous; I will have 13-two year olds.
Praise the Lord for his grace and mercy.
Sept 2007

1 comment:

Corey, Kelly, Alex, Blaize said...

You will be great. What amazing kids. Love you sis.