Monday, March 06, 2006

Sick Baby Spreads the Germs

Luke has spread his jungle virus!
Mackenzie now has a fever.
Jeremy is out with a bunch of college boys,
Hiking through the jungle.
Please PRAY that Jeremy does not
get this virus while out hiking
in the middle of NO WHERE.
I guess the Momma is next!
Thank you for your prayers.
PS. Viola musn't get this
and she can't take it back
to the USA with her to her family!!!
March 6, 2006


Kate said...

Hey friends! Thanks for sending out your newslongy letter! I loved reading it all. I love the blog and can't wait to get elsewhere than EC so I can check out the pictures on it! Meanwhile I can post one of mine and hope it works for you all. Love and kisses to all!

Kate said...

HEY I love the pics, got to see them from here at my neighbors' house. Kisses to all! You guys look great!