Saturday, March 04, 2006

Jeremy's hiking trip

Jeremy will be hiking into Musulwas Reserve this week.
Bryan College is taking 12 guys (younger than Jeremy!)
into the Sumo/Mayagna region of Nicaragua
to witness to never before visited villages.
They will cover 6 villages in 3 days and
the hike is a day long in and a day long out.
Please pray for Jeremy's knee;
he had surgery on it in college.
He is not a young as he used to be.
Praise the Lord Jim is not trying to do this trip.
He is way to old and broken for it!
Please pray for Summer and the kids as they
Jungle without Jeremy for the week.
Pray for the people who will hear the
Good News of Jesus Christ this week
for the very first time.
Thank you for your prayers.
March 2006

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