Sunday, March 20, 2011


Is your dissatisfaction a jumping point for sin or for success?
Joshua 7, Achin
(Kyle Cox, 3.20.11, Highland BC)
Achin's sin started with his "dissatisfaction with the manner in which God had ordered the affairs of his life".
Achin's sin was:
Demonstrated in his covetousness and his disobedience. 
Resulting in his deciet in stealing objects and hiding them (guilt), 
Consequences his whole family dies, and
the entire tribe of Israel loses the battle of AI. 

 Are we more capable or satisfied with our own ability to set order to our lives than the God who set the boundaries of the oceans and the land and the heavens and the earth?
Give me my own inheritance and let me go my own way.

Pagans run after the newest and best of everything, 
they worry about what they will eat or drink tomorrow, 
a worthless result. 
 What part of God's will do you push back against?
God orders our lives just as He sees fit,
with our best interest in mind and the big picture. 
When we live outside of that plan, 
the grass is always greener elsewhere. 

Dissatisfaction in and of its self is not sin.
Is your dissatisfaction a jumping point for sin?
Is your dissatisfaction a reminder to refocus on HIM and reach for Christ?
Achin was dissatisfied with is life.
40 years in the desert will do that to a person!
He justified his actions against God's commands, 
The consequences were dire. 
Are you so dissatisfied with your life that you take matters into your own hands? 
Are your hands better equipped to satisfy you? 
God feeds the birds and the flowers,
He set the oceans and the land apart,
He made the heavens and the earth,
His plan is way better than anything YOU can come up with on your own. 
Do you trust him? 
Are you dissatisfied with where HE has PUT you?
Wake up people!!
If you are IN HIS will, 
There is NO WHERE else that is GREENER. 
Stop dreaming.
Live in the present. 
God really does have your best interest in mind, 
Trust HIM. 
March 2011
(great lesson in SS today, just had to share)

Thursday, March 03, 2011

ETA: 20 days

20 days. 
Ha ha ha
Like they even know when babies arrive. 
March 2011

9 months pregnant---Forced to Slow Down in a Fast Paced World.

How slow can you go?
Life is a bunch of fast pace races,  separated by a minimal night's sleep, only to begin again the next day. 
I was driving my car-- Slowly. Life racing by me. I take my time to get everywhere. I waddle in and out of stores and doctor's offices. I PLAN ahead and give myself several extra minutes,--even to stand up and "re-align" my hips before I dash off to get the kids from their classrooms at church.
During the precious time of gestation, God provides a drastic reduction in function. 
Strange, we say. Should we not function at our best during this time?
No, the answer is No. 
To function at our best, we actually must function at our worst. 
What? That is crazy!
This re-aligns our priorities. What are your priorities? 
In this case, our own personal health and the life we are responsible for. 
When we simply have to slow down, we learn to appreciate each and every task and the energy required to do each task.
Taking the time to wake up, go to the bathroom every hour, and then get up and function the next day is God's way of preparing us to focus. 
What are we focusing on?
We are to focus on what is really important. Really. Important. 
Our next task will be the sole feeder of a tiny defenseless infant. 
If we can't get up and pee every hour without getting angry and bitter......How, then, shall we get up every 2 hours and sit for 40 minutes of the next hour to Calmly feed our helpless babe? Only to repeat this every 2 hours, day and night for several weeks/months and get up and function the next day?
Nope, not exaggerating. 
I will be asking God about this when I get there. It is not nice. God's purpose is supreme. 
Thank you for preparing us......(even though I don't agree with you).  
March 2011 (baby due in approx. 20 days).  ha ha ha.....